Friday 20 July 2012



I am sorry about your cancer, I feel for you brother. Alas I have my own demons to vanquish and lumps to have checked... Last week I met the woman of my dreams in Harry Ramsden's seafood restaurant in Portsmouth UK. We made love on the Spinnaker Tower and I asked her to marry me that same night. She refused, as she is already married to the sea and bigamy is a man's job. The brine flows through her veins as sure as beneficientness flows through Allah (praise be to Allah). The next day she went on a long sea voyage aboard The Pride Of Gosport and left me here with my petrified heart and useless idle cat friend, Derek. We were like ships passing in the night, I suppose.

I have no need for money, only the kind words of a stranger.

Kind regards,

____________ LXVI

> From:
> Subject: Dear Friend,
> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 19:04:25 -0600
> Greetings in the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.My name is Mr.Abdullah Mohammed, a widower to Late Mrs. Aishat Mohammed.
> I am 66years old, presently I am suffering from long time cancer of the lunges, from all Indications, my condition is really deteriorating and i am very much afraid of my doctor?s report, infact my condition is very bad now,
> My late wife was killed during the Gulf war,and during the period of our marriage we couldn't produce any child.The doctor has told me that I may not live beyond this year. Every new day is like a bonus to me.So now i have decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to the propagation of
> Islam and in assisting the less-privileged faithful and all humanity in Africa and throughout the world, I discussed this with my Attorney,I am willing to donate part of the sum of US$18,000,000.00(Eighteen Million US Dollars) for the development of The holy work as well as a distribution to aid faithfuls and also for the less privileged, including orphans who lost their mothers through this deadly illness [cancer]no matter their faith.
> Please I want you to note that, this fund is deposited in a Security Company. For that, my lawyer will file in application for the transfer of the money in your name as you wish provided you are ready to use part of this money for this purpose. You will therefore have to travel to Dubai, to sign for the official Release of this money as well as advice on how you want the money remitted to you own account. My Attorney will accompany you on this trip.
> Lastly I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used for the said purpose because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Allah is vanity upon vanity. For this reason I have decided to set-aside 40% of this money for the service of humanity and the work of Allah.
> May the Grace of Allah be our guide and be my refuge when i leave this World. More so, I decided to offer you 30% While 20% will be transferred to the account of my Lawyer, as compensation after Successful Conclusion. The remaining 10% is to cover the expenses both from your side and the side of my Lawyer who will assist you until every thing is over.
> A Swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email would be appreciated.
> All further response to this proposal should be communicated to this private
> Yours in Allah,
> Mr.Hameed Mahmoud

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