Friday 20 July 2012

lets get into shape

We shall bully raw iron 4 days a week. Three days a week we will trace ever expanding concentric circles on the tracks and paths around town, always asking more of our sinew that we suspect it can give. We will rest only to replenish ourselves and grow stronger.
Right now we are nothing but flabby sacks, softened at the edges by over consumption and vice. But I can feel something right in my core, something that flutters up through to my shoulders. I think you can probably feel it too. It’s a nervous energy, restlessness born of discontent, anger and shame. It is potential.
People always take about exercise like it’s a means to an end, as if true motivation can only be based on articulable, tangible goals. My motivation comes from a desire to channel my restlessness into physical exertion because that’s the only way I can stop it eating away at me. I know that as long as I never forget what that constant gnawing feels like, I will remain a single minded and double galvanised ball of sheer fucking willpower in a way that yo-yo dieting, New Year’s resolution setting, 15 minute Pilates enthusiast could ever appreciate.
Even if you do begin to forget what it felt like to be consumed by that burning desire to regain control, the routine will have become as natural and essential a part of your life as drinking water. You’ll realise there is no end, only the means to endure. Over time we will physically transform and become barely recognisable in comparison, but beyond the mirror and the wardrobe an even more profound change will occur. We will become walking testaments to the concept of mind over matter. Every part of your life will be enriched with the knowledge that there is NOTHING you cannot kick the shit out of, rend or remould should you want it badly enough.

Dragon's Den Roleplay

Me and my friends like to play dragons den at work in the hope of one day becoming famous business celebrities like richard branson and robert maxwell.  Like all truly self made people, this starts at the bottom and works up.

I need a minute to consider your proposal.

I have considered your proposal and I think we can make beautiful business together.  The rest of you can choke on a hot mouthful of liquid assets

From: Stephen Johnson [mailto:xxxxx]
Sent: 22 September 2011 15:35
To: Mike Curran; Brendan Curran
Cc: xxxxxx
Subject: RE: Beef Dynamite

Hi Mike. I like you. Your supreme business nous, pant-loosening charisma and clinical presentation skills had me at hello. But what really clinched the deal was your portfolio of upper echelon business diagrams. I would like to make an offer of 25 pence, a bag of Maltesers and a used Warner Brothers Basingstoke cinema ticket for a 173.5% stake in your company? To sweeten the deal I will allow you to sit in my Ferrari for five minutes every quarter on the proviso you keep your grubby little mitts out of the glove compartment.

From: Mike Curran [mailto:xxxx]
Sent: 22 September 2011 15:18
To: Brendan Curran
Cc: P.xxxxxxx; Stephen Johnson
Subject: RE: Beef Dynamite

Hello Brendan,

First of all, thank you for your interest.  With regards to your first question, I have a distinguished background in accounting practices and business forecasting, so naturally I brought some of this information along with me today.  Please study the graph below to get an idea of just what a sound investment opportunity Beef Dynamite represents:

Through my own private investigation skills I was able to identify the purchasing manager for Tesco in the UK and Europe.  Being tenacious and passionate about the quality of my product, I set up a small 2 season tent in his front garden and posted free samples of Beef Dynamite through his letterbox every day for 2 weeks.  We are now negotiating the terms of my restraining order through an intermediary.

Any others?

From: Brendan Curran
Sent: 22 September 2011 15:04
To: Mike Curran
Cc: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Beef Dynamite

Hello Mike, Brendan here.

I’ve got a few questions about your projections for this product.  What are your profit forecasts for your first year of trading?  Have you been in contact with any distributors, and if so, how far have you got in negotiations?

From: Peter Brown [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 22 September 2011 14:20
To: Mike Curran
Cc: 'Stephen Johnson'
Subject: RE: Beef Dynamite

Hello, Im Duncan, Ey, youKnow, ey, ey ‘Scotish lingo here’ I’ve been eating a similar product for years, ey, ey, you know.. there is nothing original here.. having said that.. I’m going to make you an offer.. Shit on Debras face and Ill have 75% of the business..

From: XXXX
Sent: 22 September 2011 14:15
To: Stephen Johnson
Cc: Peter Brown
Subject: Beef Dynamite

Hello Dragons,

I come before you today to ask for an investment of £20,000 and 50,000 uniquely hand-painted hard boiled eggs for a 5% stake in my company:  Beef Dynamite Holdings GmbH.

The ethos behind my company is simple:  I want to provide the lowest cost homogenised meat-derivative based snack food that can legally be sold for human consumption.  I believe there is a gap in the market that we can effectively grout closed (thanks to its semi-solid texture) with our product Beef Dynamite.

I am targeting the snack savvy young professional who doesn’t have time or the inclination to wait for toasted coffee shop paninis.  When you’ve been biting people’s heads off since 7am the last thing you want to eat is something else that you have to waste energy chewing.  For top dogs in the dog eat dog world of business there is only one natural choice for lunch, and we have partnered with leading animal waste disposal firms to create it (Beef Dynamite contains no less than 30% canine connective tissue).  To reinforce this rugged brand image, I have invested my elderly grandmother’s life savings in a hard-hitting and masculine advertising campaign:

The money you invest will be used to fund my on-going legal struggle with the Food Standards Agency, who have accused me of false advertising.  They claim that Beef Dynamite cannot be marketed as a beef product because it only contains 1% beef (hearts) and cannot be sold as dynamite because it contains only 15% nitro-glycerine.  I am challenging them in court and expect a positive outcome given my robust argument that nobody ever tried to smoke candy cigarettes and Mars bars do not in fact contain any extra-terrestrial material.

The uniquely hand painted hard boiled eggs will be used to decorate my caravan.

Does anybody have any questions?

Gainfully employed

Subject: RE: Job Offer: Craft Central Inc!
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 12:49:26 +0100

I am not an applicant. Let's get this straight, I've got more money than a small African country and I light cuban cigars with $50 bills, which I light with $20 bills. I make it rain, and I don't have to dance for it. I had the oldest redwood in Oregon chopped down and used some the materials to make a small model of a tree that sits on my desk, next to a picture of my beautiful wife Patricia, who coincidentally used to be a model. I had the rest of the wood pulped and sold it for cents on the dollar.

There are two kinds of people in this world: Winners and Losers. The fact that you sent me this stupid email proves to me that you have already lost, and the sad thing is you probably don't even know it. Good day to you sir.

Subject: Job Offer: Craft Central Inc!
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 06:54:11 +1200

Attention: Applicant
We got your contact through online job network Please permit me to ask you if you will be
interested in a paying job in which you can earn more earnings weekly.
Craft central Inc is one of the fastest growing company in the world, the American craft
market is one of the largest and most important markets for craft in the world. The American
craft industry is very large as compared to the domestic Canadian market. The art & craft
industry in United States accounts for about US$13.8 billion. More than 127000 people are
currently employed in the American art and craft sector.
The company is growing dynamically and its formation is ongoing, at this particular moment
we are expanding our business area and increasing the number of Stores units in our
database. For this reason we are widening our network of Crafting and need more
representatives, We have reviewed your resume and we would like to offer you a job in our
account receivable department.
We're constantly on the lookout for great people. The talent that walks in our door is the
foundation of our growth and success. A supportive team atmosphere, recognition, and
personal growth are satisfying career elements at Evolution Properties and we're known for
competitive salaries, bonus/incentive programs and excellent benefits. Are you interested in
an environment that rewards hard work and creative contributions? If yes, then join our big
1). Sending payments to Dealers/Customers
2). Receiving payments from customers
3). Data entry
4). Deduct 10% which will be your Commission/pay on Payment processed and remit our balance
to us either via Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram.
10% from each operation! For instance; you receive 2000 USD via checks on our behalf. You
will cash the money and keep 200 USD(10% from 2000 USD) for yourself. Initially, your
commission will be 10%, but will be reviewed with time to 15%.
You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor right from your home
office. Your job is absolutely legal. You can earn up to 1000-3000 USD monthly depending on
time you will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start. You can do the Work
easily without leaving or affecting your present Job.The only thing here is that we need you
to assure us that you are reliable and trustworthy.
18 years or older
legally capable
ready to work 3-4 hours per week
Able to check and respond to emails often
Easy telephone access.
Computer Knowledge is a plus
We don't require an active agent license.
We don't require your bank information.
We are sure this work will be interesting and simple for you and please know that everything
is absolutely legal.
If you are interested in our offer, please respond with the following details in order for
us to reach you:
As soon as we get your application we will get in touch with you and give you further
instructions about your work.
We appreciate your interest.
Rick Greenberg.
Central Craft Inc.
Hiring Manager



I am sorry about your cancer, I feel for you brother. Alas I have my own demons to vanquish and lumps to have checked... Last week I met the woman of my dreams in Harry Ramsden's seafood restaurant in Portsmouth UK. We made love on the Spinnaker Tower and I asked her to marry me that same night. She refused, as she is already married to the sea and bigamy is a man's job. The brine flows through her veins as sure as beneficientness flows through Allah (praise be to Allah). The next day she went on a long sea voyage aboard The Pride Of Gosport and left me here with my petrified heart and useless idle cat friend, Derek. We were like ships passing in the night, I suppose.

I have no need for money, only the kind words of a stranger.

Kind regards,

____________ LXVI

> From:
> Subject: Dear Friend,
> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 19:04:25 -0600
> Greetings in the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.My name is Mr.Abdullah Mohammed, a widower to Late Mrs. Aishat Mohammed.
> I am 66years old, presently I am suffering from long time cancer of the lunges, from all Indications, my condition is really deteriorating and i am very much afraid of my doctor?s report, infact my condition is very bad now,
> My late wife was killed during the Gulf war,and during the period of our marriage we couldn't produce any child.The doctor has told me that I may not live beyond this year. Every new day is like a bonus to me.So now i have decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to the propagation of
> Islam and in assisting the less-privileged faithful and all humanity in Africa and throughout the world, I discussed this with my Attorney,I am willing to donate part of the sum of US$18,000,000.00(Eighteen Million US Dollars) for the development of The holy work as well as a distribution to aid faithfuls and also for the less privileged, including orphans who lost their mothers through this deadly illness [cancer]no matter their faith.
> Please I want you to note that, this fund is deposited in a Security Company. For that, my lawyer will file in application for the transfer of the money in your name as you wish provided you are ready to use part of this money for this purpose. You will therefore have to travel to Dubai, to sign for the official Release of this money as well as advice on how you want the money remitted to you own account. My Attorney will accompany you on this trip.
> Lastly I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used for the said purpose because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Allah is vanity upon vanity. For this reason I have decided to set-aside 40% of this money for the service of humanity and the work of Allah.
> May the Grace of Allah be our guide and be my refuge when i leave this World. More so, I decided to offer you 30% While 20% will be transferred to the account of my Lawyer, as compensation after Successful Conclusion. The remaining 10% is to cover the expenses both from your side and the side of my Lawyer who will assist you until every thing is over.
> A Swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email would be appreciated.
> All further response to this proposal should be communicated to this private
> Yours in Allah,
> Mr.Hameed Mahmoud

reaching out

I sometimes have a lot of time on my hands and I am starved of human interaction, so I frequently find myself reaching out to the only people who seem to want to talk to me:  Wealthy dignitaries from Hong Kong and beneficiaries of large sums of money in the UAE.

Subject: RE: Confidential Offer
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 12:04:21 +0000

Good morning Mr Ego

First of all, I would like to express my sincerest regrets that your client found himself in legal trouble. I once accidentally left a £5 note in my pocket and sent my suit to the dry cleaners only to be arrested just hours later on similar charges. Thanksfully I am an extremely wealthy man and I managed to bribe enough corrupt officials to walk free.

I read that you have power of attourney. My own special powers are telepathy and making women feel good about their bodies. Together we will be unstoppable ha ha ha!

Best regards,

Fat controller

> From:
> Subject: Confidential Offer
> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 21:49:26 -0800
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I am Harry Ego the former personal assistance to Chief James O. Ibori (formal Governor of the Richest State in Nigeria for 8years), I am looking for your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate in your country with my client funds that is deposited abroad in a Trust/suspence Account because i cannot be in charge of the funds myself as the attorney in charge, i have the power as the attorney in charge to make a new heir to the funds without the consent of my client (Chief James O. Ibori).
> I am sorry if this is not in line with your profession. My client Chief James O. Ibori was arrested by the Interpol in Dubai for Money Laundering a couple months ago last year now currently exported to uk to face money laundy charges which is going to be jailed .
> Please click for your perusal...
> I need an experienced person like you to assist me to set up, develop the project and assume responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be bringing in profit/distribute profit monthly or annually.
> You should observe utmost confidentiality and be rest assured that this transaction is risk free.(NO RISK AT ALL) I shall give you more information upon receiving your response.
> Regards,
> Harry Ego.